These flowers were an expression of love - TOXIC love as it turned out.
The perfect nightmare of flowers in the garden of the unconscious mind."Beast's Garden" triggers the unconscious mind to demonstrate an extraordinary degree of originality. Photographs are a kind of mirror that reflects the emotions of the author and the viewer's through the ability to project interpretations into ambiguous forms, in this case flowers.No two minds are alike. Thus every viewer will have a different interpretation of forms depending on his perceptual abilities, intelligence and emotional characteristics.

"Beast's Garden" is a series of digital photography  refers to the anxiety and fear that were born in result of personal experience. I think that the Beast's Garden would not have been made if it was not for the relationship after the end of which it turned out that my former partner is a stalker. It would seem that few individuals are exposed to the stalking, and the problem concerns only representatives of show business. Nothing could be more wrong. Research confirms that stalkers can be present or former partners.
Since photography is born in a split-second, I find it being the perfect medium to show a fraction of a supposed reality. A fraction that does not describe, but merely suggests.